Watch Porn Movies Can Damage Five Parts of Brain (Nonton Film Porno Bisa Merusak Lima Bagian Otak)

Jangan dikira nonton film porno tidak ada pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan anda. Ternyata keseringan nonton film porno bisa merusak bagian otak. Bahayanya, bahkan lebih ganas dari pada kita mengkonsumsi narkoba yang hanya merusak tiga bagian otak anda saja, sementara jika menonton film porno akan ada lima bagian otak yang terserang.

Hal tersebut dikemukakan pakar psikologi dari yayasan Kita dan Buah Hati, Elly Risma. Dalam konfrensi pers di Sekretariat Komnas Perlindungan Anak, Jakarta Timur, Sabtu (12/6/2010). Elly menjelaskan secara ditail mengenai efek film porno bagi anak-anak atau siapa pun yang senang menontonnya.

"Pornografi dapat merusak lima bagian otak kita, sedangkan narkoba yang rusaknya hanya tiga,"tuturnya.

Lima Otak yang Diserang
1. Obesity merusak bagian otak Orbitofrontral Mid frontal dan nucieus accumbens

2. Methapetamin merusak bagian otak Orbitofrontral Midfrontal, Insula Hippocampus Tempral, dan Patumencingalute.

3. Cocain merusak bagian otak Orbitofrontral Midfrontal, Insula Hippocampus Tempral, dan nucieus accumbens

4. Film Porno merusak lima bagian otak yaitu Orbitofrontral Midfrontal, Insula Hippocampus Tempral, nucieus accumbens, Patumencingalute, dan Cerebelum

Menurut Elly, bahaya akibat seringnya nonton filmporno akan mengkeredilkan otak kita. "Fornografi adalah perusak otak, lebih dari methapetamin (Shabu). Bagian otak prefrontal conteks kita akan hancur. Bagian tersebut merupakan bagian otak yang mengontrol moral dan nilai, pengontrolan diri, dan pengambilan keputusan," jelasnya.

Rusaknya otak prefrontal conteks, akan membuat perasaan kita selalu kacau, makanya kita akan selalu ketergantungan untuk melihat film porno. "Saat melihat film porno, sistim limbik kita akan bekerja, sehingga keluarlah dufamin atau hormon kenikmatan,"ungkapnya.

Ia mencontohkan, ketika seorang anak menyukai satu gelas ice cream maka hormon kenikmatan tersebut hanya akan keluar untuk satu gelas ice cream. Bila ditambah lagi satu gelas ice cream maka hormon tersebut tidak akan keluar. "Sama seperti orang nge-seks atau nonton film porno, hormon terserbut akan keluar sampai batas kenikmatan puncak," terangnya.


Do not think watching porn movies no effect on your health. It turned out that its frequency of watching porn can damage the brain. The danger, even more violent than we are taking drugs that are only damaging your brain three-part course, while watching a porn movie if there will be five parts of the brain affected.
According to an expert on the psychology of the foundation and Fruit We Love, Elly Risma. In a press conference at the Secretariat of the National Commission for Child Protection, East Jakarta, Saturday (06/12/2010). Elly explain the performance in detail on the effects of porn movies for kids or anyone who likes to watch it.
"Pornography can destroy the five parts of our brains, whereas drugs that damage to just three," he said.

Five Brain Attack1. Obesity damage the brain and frontal Mid Orbitofrontral nucieus accumbens
2. Methapetamin damage the brain Orbitofrontral Midfrontal, Hippocampus Insula Tempral, and Patumencingalute.
3. Cocain Orbitofrontral Midfrontal damage the brain, Hippocampus Insula Tempral, and nucieus accumbens
4. Porno five parts of the brain damage that is Orbitofrontral Midfrontal, Hippocampus Insula Tempral, nucieus accumbens, Patumencingalute, and cerebellum
According to Elly, the danger due to frequent watching filmporno will mengkeredilkan our brains. "Fornografi is the destroyer of the brain, more than methapetamin (Shabu). Conteks prefrontal brain section we will be destroyed. The passage is part of the brain that control the morals and values, self control, and decision making," he explained.
Damage to the prefrontal brain conteks, will make our feelings are always chaotic, so we will always be dependent to look at porn. "When viewing a pornographic movie, our limbic system will work, so get out dufamin or pleasure hormones," he said.
He pointed out, when a child is like a glass of ice cream then the hormones of pleasure will only be out for a glass of ice cream. When you add one glass of ice cream then the hormone will not come out. "Just like people nge-sex or watching porn movies, terserbut hormones will be out until the top limit of enjoyment," he explained.

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